The Restored Republic Congress convened in Joint Session with the Senate counting the Elector’s votes on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 in the presence of several witnesses at Oklahoma free State. James Buchanan Geiger of Alabama was the candidate who received the most votes for President. The Presidential Inauguration of the newly elected de jure President took place at Memphis, Tennessee on March 4, 2014. President James Buchanan Geiger was the first lawfully sworn-in President of the re-inhabited Republic by the Electoral College process in a 153 years (to the day) since his predecessor with a similar name, President James Buchanan (March 4, 1857 – March 4, 1861.) See Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen of Re-inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume II – The Story of the Re-inhabitation circa 2016 by Jean Hallahan Hertler and David Carl Hertler.