It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
For several years, Prague the center of the so-called surrogacy business: women from Ukraine gave birth to babies in the Czech Republic for customers, who then took the babies all over the world just a few days after birth. And they paid tens of thousands of euros for them.
from 2003 - Child Prostitution German-Czech Border
Czech "politicians/traders" are not interested in solving the situation - another year has passed, and the law is not for the protection of children.
For over 20 years, I have been telling everyone about Houska Castle, but either everyone laughs at me or they try to silence me
The exact location of the underground - not only under the castle Houska, but the accessible way to the castle (under the small chapel on the left side, move the stone of the stairs and see for yourself, I found a hollow space/room underneath) and the underground in the forest also on the left side, beware there are rocks and steep slopes down. Lots of underground sinkholes
The well was allegedly hidden on purpose, because you could crawl underground through the well - just information from an old man I met in the forest at the time. Supposedly there are two wells. https://www.stream.cz/tajemno/nejvetsi-tajemstvi-hradu-housky-neodkryte-hitlerovo-podzemi-321002#dop_ab_variant=1380310&dop_source_zone_name=hpfeed.sznhp.box&dop_vert_ab=1380310&dop_vert_id=int1&dop_req_id=WSr9vUbUzIJ-202410261051&dop_id=9664953&utm_source=www.seznam.cz&utm_medium=sekce-z-internetu
It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
Then there is still one Houska castle. It is located in the Český ráj (near Jičín)/Bohemian Paradise in the middle of the woods. This castle was carved out of the rock and is now almost entirely covered with earth. Many locals don't even know about the castle. LOL