I forgot to give a shout out to all the “What a good boy/girl” heroes with four legs,That have also risked their lives on the front lines of WW3 and the Covert Operations to help#SaveOurChildren
It takes a village to bring our children home, it will take a villiage to protect our children within our communities, while never again trusting churches, governments, or any organization for their safety, as we prepare to start again!
#wwg1wga 🌎☮️🐕❤️

That's the White House dog. He was on a mission. Biting someone to get out was part of the plan. Spy Doge. KEK

USAF Vet YUGE President Trump supporter; he tweeted: "Fight Patriots! Had 50K followers on Twitter & proudly followed by Gen. Flynn.

sweet fur baby

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
Love ❤️❤️❤️

That is a Bad Ass pup.

Daughter of a Purple Heart Marine who fought in the Korean War. My love for God Family & Country - my mantra. Great time to be alive.
well said, our Four Legged Heros are an intregal part of our rescue teams. That & so much more.


Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
Handsom dog.

Lover of the Nature Spirits and Natural Law. No Masters. No Slaves. FREEDOM #NewEarth
amazing pic - thank you

Lover of the Nature Spirits and Natural Law. No Masters. No Slaves. FREEDOM #NewEarth
inspired me to get Rin Tin Tin by Susan Orlean (author of The Orchid Thief) - highly accalimed 2011 non-fiction book

A little ditty about Jack & Dian~A🩰🦢#soundoffreedom #familyiseverything #godwins #jfkjr #saveourchildren #trumpismypresident

just a lil patriot wondering around this strange place called exile. 🇺🇸 **twatter & buttbook are weenies**
they are family ♥️ i remember when my cousins K-9 partner of 10yrs passed away ...it was heart wrenching. these are not just dogs. they really are the soldier or lawenforcements partner. they go home with them and go to work with them. the bond is so incredible. ♥️🇺🇸♥️

Prior Army 54 Echo, I am Pro-life, support the Constitution, MAGA, WWG1WGA, I believe in Q & the Plan. Christian, Trump is my President.
Who do we contact, if you want to provide a Loving, Safe home to one of these children, you cannot contact CHild Services or Adoption agencies, churches or even the government they are the reason for this problem. So how can we as a society help them. I know these children have families and of course they should be re-united with them, but there are those whose family may be gone, what will happen to them. Will our Military take custody of these children, getting them the physcological and medical help they need. Will our Military house and feed them, and just be the shoulder they need to

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
President Trump will make sure they have everything they need and then some! its the advantage of 165 military planes of gold diamonds and riches from the Vatican, back to the USA, and thats not counting the reptillian lizards of london!

A Patriot who loves God, country and Trump! Married a Marine and gave birth to my hero....a son who is a retired Marine and Patriot.
In light of everything that is going on I am trying to help by spreading the word....but I still feel so helpless. Would love to find a way to be more useful, Can't donate money.