Cousin has a husband who has Parkinson's. SO told mama about Ivermectin study someone said whooped its ass, basically. And she said would be a mute point...sad.
Aware of enough lies that I am suspicious of every truth - and the truth does not care about your feelings...INFJ Sigma
Ivermectin increases striatal cholinergic activity to facilitate dopamine terminal function | Cell & Bioscience | Full Text
Ivermectin (IVM) is a commonly prescribed antiparasitic treatment with pharmacological effects on invertebrate glutamate ion channels resulting in paralysis and death of invertebrates. However, it can also act as a modulator of some vertebrate ion channels and has shown promise in facilitating L-DOP.. I am gonna show mama this and maybe she will show my cousin.
I hope so, and you are welcome
Ty!! She was a medical coder for decades. Love her but back to brainwashing. Meaning my cousin.