Major National Cybersecurity Exercise on Election Day: The exercise will simulate a cyber-attack on “critical infrastructure”
IF bad actors were looking to mess with electronic voting, this exercise would create a reasonable cover and method.
If the actors wanted to rig electronic voting and needed an excuse to explain “anomalies” in the vote count, or to explain a sudden shut-down of key voting precincts, the cyber-exercise would provide those explanations.
“Well, you see, there was a temporary glitch owing to the fact that, parallel to Election Day voting, Homeland Security was running a crucial but unrelated cyber-exercise, and ‘wires were crossed,’ so to speak…”
“Nothing to see here, the problem was fixed, and the exercise proceeded, as did the vote count. Occasionally, these things happen. Homeland Security assures us that voting was not impeded…”
Covid Frontlines MD, Virology PhD.
Much like they did with the Wuhan outbreak August/September 2019, when doing the Event 201 in October, just after they erased the database of their Bat-Reasearch Program
How conveniant.
I reckon the Biden was visiting Berlin lately... seemed not really like a "just for to say good bye" meeting. Germany, France and the Brits in on it?!