Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
Nah, It is a lot bigger than we know. But, the part we live in is inside a container basically that is at sea level, absolutely flat. The solar system we are taught to believe in is bullshit. Our world is not flat but the part we live in absolutely is. The water does not lie.
But there are said to be lands beyond the Ice Wall. Lands that look like large continents with familiar sounding names.
Like Mars, for example. At a rally, when President Trump says we are going to Mars, maybe he means our far away neighbor named Mars.
"There are said..."
By memes?
Please look for images of the moon from Ice Land. Then look for images of the moon from Antartica.
Notice anything interesting?
How could those images be upside down?
What possible configuration of Earth could account for such a phenomenon?
Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
Because it is not solid?
Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
Correct, but the Mars Trump is talking about is the Military Auxiliary Radio Service. M.A.R.S. There is a whole lot more than what is under the dome with us. They have been rubbing our noses in the facts for quite a while as "entertainment" all to hide the fact that we are created beings living in a created environment. Their "Science" is full of inconsistencies that have to be propped up constantly. The truth stands on it's own. Spin does not cause gravity it would sling everything off of it's surface. Instead what we have is differences in density. Like how a hot air balloon works as the air in the balloon heats it becomes less dense so the balloon rises. Space is fake. Evolution is fake. Everything you and I and everyone else were taught was a lie. Just wait 'till you find out the rest. Have a wonderful day.
Thanks, I knew MARS was an acronym but forgot what it was. But my hypothesis sounds plausible. Just thought about it recently. Wonder what Martians look like?