It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
For several years, Prague the center of the so-called surrogacy business: women from Ukraine gave birth to babies in the Czech Republic for customers, who then took the babies all over the world just a few days after birth. And they paid tens of thousands of euros for them.
from 2003 - Child Prostitution German-Czech Border
Czech "politicians/traders" are not interested in solving the situation - another year has passed, and the law is not for the protection of children.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
I will write to you why there is such a problem with Huawei in CESKA REPUBLIKA Ltd..
After the vaccination in 2021, cellular phone Huawei was able to detect nanotechnology/chips in the body of the vaccinated, which was read as another mobile device in Bluetooth upon the arrival of such a vaccinated person. Apple and other can't do this...I tried it, many times.
Think about it, many products are imported into central Europe from China (practically all the production of everything is from China), but they only want to ban Huawei - NÚKIB https://nukib.gov.cz/en/ and the intelligence services...Koudelka....
I will not even go into detail about the fact that it was already planned in 2015 that the Czechia would become a nanotechnology world power. I had a classmate from college at the conference that published this...good info.
"The cyber law arouses passions, Řehka angered the ODS MP"
"The Czech Republic is well on its way to becoming a world leader in nanotechnology. Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Pavel Bělobrádek said this today at the Czech Republic is Nano conference. He reminded that the Czech Republic owns a number of "nanopatents", but the public knows little about them, as foreign products are often better known than Czech ones. Leading representatives of the Czech nanoindustry gathered at the Czechia is nano conference. Lukáš Konečný is the leader of the revolutionary pureSPACE Solution project. Pavel Šefl from FN Nano shows that in rooms treated with photocatalytic coatings you feel as beautiful as a bird flying through a mountain landscape." https://nanoasociace.cz/en/konference-cesko-je-nano/
Here you can see for yourself what those political and journalistic prostitutes are able to do for a few money (more precisely for small pieces of paper and imaginary numbers).
They at ease slaughter and mutilate an entire nation.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
"Gray eminence." At the congress, we found out whose puppets the People's Party is...
Will "Mr. Cap" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jika , https://www.jika.eu/products/ reveal who the People's Party (KDU-ČSL) listens to "like lótky/puppets, prostitutes"? https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/audio-podcast-vlevo-dole-seda-eminenca-na-sjezdu-jsme-zjistili-ci-loutky-jsou-lidovci-262832
"We realized that for almost 15 years, only the same three names have been used in the folk community (KDU-ČSL) - Bělobrádek, Jurečka, Výborný. Damn conservative party," says Václav Dolejší laconically.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
By the way, journalists had a blanket ban on informing the public about this conference in particular, even though everyone was officially invited. ...probably not to say.... https://nanoasociace.cz/en/konference-cesko-je-nano/
I know this from that classmate/journalist from the university who was at the conference. As one of the few, she objected to this ban, and her employer threatened to fire her from her job and prevent her from practicing journalism elsewhere.
So she posted it at least then on the FB social network and told us all at school.