Truth Seeker 🗽 Spiritual Warrior 🇺🇲 Digital Soldier

He really did plead with everyone!
He basically begged!
Only some of us listened.
They made sure this clip didn’t see the light of day on MSM that’s for sure!

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.

In response WalkByFaith356 ... to her Publication

I need the link to this but I am not able to get on Tgram. Is there any links outside of that you can provide ?
so many I know hate that Trump promoted the shot.🙏

President Donald J. Trump is Andrew Breitbart's REVENGE

In response Catherine Adelle to her Publication

Right click, save video as...

I do it daily, have TONS stored offline.

Only people mentioned by @Catadelle in this post can reply

In response Catherine Adelle to her Publication

I copied from here and
then copied from Telegram...

Thought that would maybe let you view it.

Site Anonup won't let me download here