“ BioWeaponLabs ☣️ Biological Warfare”
From Gitmo TV
Until the Twit Purge of '21 General Flynn was interested in the Messages I was putting out there, In THEIR words "The Time Is Now"
The Asleep Sheep don't want to hear it..
Sometimes they must be shown
.. In 2018, for example, the Pentagon purchased an oversize holding cell and equipped it with a shower and a bed so that a prisoner could spend nights at the war court compound..
.. Construction is underway on a $115 million dormitory for 848 National Guard soldiers on nine-month assignments at the prison. It was funded by Congress in 2017....
..The court was initially designed to exclude the public. But the court administration changed course, and workers are installing a spectators’ gallery.
Military Plans New $435 Million Health Facility at Guantánamo Bay - The New York Times
The plan to replace the base hospital envisions a prison still in operation at the base and reduced health care for residents, but no enhanced care for aging war prisoners.