“UPDATE: Hurricane Milton
Well well well…
Tampa, Florida is currently working on a downtown redevelopment project that aims to create a “green walking city.”…
Sound familiar?
The project is a joint venture between Bill Gates and Tampa Bay Lightning owner Jeff Vinik.
Source https://www.tampaemergencymedicine.org/our-city-tampa-florida#:~:text=Downtown%20Tampa%20(Tampa%20Water%20Street,check%20out%20the%20links%20below.&text=If%20playback%20doesn't%20begin%20shortly%2C%20try%20restarting%20your%20device.
The 15-minute city concept is a city planning idea that aims to “improve quality of life by making everyday necessities accessible within a 15-minute walk, bike ride, or public transit ride.” “
Source https://www.tallahassee.com/story/opinion/2023/04/16/why-florida-needs-to-promote-encourage-15-minute-city-concepts/70112012007/
From MJTruth