In case anyone had a bridge wash out from these floods to their home or business, or even a bridge to their town, remember...
Just don't forget to take the wheels off. 😂
Here is an example - not an endorsement or recommendation of any business or seller, but just thought I'd put the solution out there for property owners and towns in need. Spread the word!
Strong enough for Tanks to drive on.
Just sayin'.
Trump is my President We are in a war of God vs Evil Hold the Line Justice is Coming. Texas Strong #savethechildren WWG1WGA
What a great fix that is
Made in the USA!
Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
There is some people (companies) that can do temp bridges and have them in place in 30 long as ground is solid on both sides..
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Yes they are specialized for times like this, too.
💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music:
Great idea...
Great thinking!
That's a new one for me.
Better than the bridges with no reinforced rebar crossing the water using probably inferior pig iron I-Beams from China covered on top with couple inches of asphalt...
I was thinking about OUR military floating bridges being installed within an hour or two depending on the width of the creek, river and land.
ALL that is easier than anything for immediate access creek, river crossing availability.
Our military, our Army Corps Of Engineers ARE Awesome
And Creative In Getting Things Done Quickly.
Where ARE OUR Great
Army Corps Of Engineers
TO Take Care Of Business?
OUR Army Corps IS SO
Intelligent, Resourceful To Help Americans!
Why Hasn't The
Army Corps Of Engineers Been Deployed???
(I know... it's a rhetorical question folks...)
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Maybe they have...🤔
Army Corps of Engineers are busy as bees.
Somebody was buildin' that Big Beautiful WALL.
We share very few sentiments with our government.
Ever used one for a bridge? How much do they cost? How much does it cost to have one delivered to your property? Cool idea, but I have to wonder the affordability.
Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
companies make temp bridges..easy and cheap and quick to lay out...
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Building a real bridge is very expensive. There are temporary bridges that can be even rented but again not cheap. Everything depends on the situation on the ground. A flat rail car can be as low as $10K but that's not installed or transported and depends on condition, but I point them out as likely more affordable solutions but they can only be used in certain situations, vary by length, also limited in width. Have to usually be installed by crane, but any structural bridge is a very costly endeavor unless its just homemade for a residence and car - and even then, has to be engineered, and then, what is the weight capacity in case a loaded truck needs to cross it? It all has to be engineered but the advantage is the flat rail car is already fully engineered with specific load tolerances so that cuts out a lot of the guesswork and can be installed faster - again depending on a situation. They work in the right situation.