Tried my new skates out. LESS than graceful. I am not giving up. : ) Mama said I don't know many 55 year olds who try to roller skate. I said well ya do now. lol
NOOOOT like getting back on a bike. lol I can still skate backwards, frontwards was a mess. lol
Had my ass pads, my elbow pads, my knee pads, my helmet, my wrist pads. Mama said you would need a nap after putting all that on. lol
😂😂😂Mama was out there rolling. LOL Said when she was little had those metal skates would fly of the porch to more pavement and keep on trucking. LOL I was like shuffling.....was hoping my nephew would be there so he could help. If it gotta get one of those pvc learner contraptions I will but I am NOT giving up. lol