1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary
Accounts of "all" sizes are needed to spread information faster. God bless those providing aid and rescue to those in need. 🙏
Don't ever think your account is too small to play a part in this war against evil.
1st QtheGathering was 2023! Supporter of Q& Q+,Vets, Family& Soul Tribe Vibes! Gratitude & Love for God, Jesus, Mother Mary
'Tis why I also shared! Mine is not a big account!💛
Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
😊 You are a force to be reckoned with Kris! Without question you are one of the most active accounts I know! I was actually trying to encourage those who haven't been here long with just a handful of connections. You never know how many people you may reach with each post. It only takes one match to ignite a fire.🔥
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