A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
Imagine a convergence of energetic events occurring across various layers of physical and non-physical realms yesterday, resulting in pulses of electrical activity affecting the human body. These pulses now induce changes in the body's biochemical processes, initiated by the energetic influence of the eclipse. As a result, the collective today be may experiencing a combination of fatigue and heightened alertness simultaneously. This is attributed to the body's physiological systems working to adapt and recalibrate in response to the sudden surge of electrical activity, which has temporarily disrupted homeostasis as the body lags behind the resulting incoming light data.
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A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
The body may now be in a recovery phase, trying to synchronize its functions after being impacted by this surge. The sensation could be described as a wave of fatigue whilst feeling wired. Time disorientation may also be part of the experience today. You are in a phase of extreme heightened adaptation. It's alot to manage, however this isn't your first rodeo. You have an akash that brings forward the remembrance of how to pass through this with grace. Go easy on yourself for 48 hours now. A few of you will be enjoying that very high pitched frequency today located somewhere between the ears and the head. Much Love. AQ
Thank you for posting... I've been extremely exhausted. The ringing is my ears are unbearable to the point I can't understand what people are saying. I feel as tho I'm hanging on by a thread. I seriously NEED to live an function in TRUTH!