Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
My advice is to write down a censored version of what you want to say to this piece of crap so you don’t get in trouble.
But what can one say that wouldn’t be a string of 4 letter words at this point? I am so pissed!
He has a boss. I do not know who it is or who this guy is, but unless you know for sure what orders he is under perhaps consider we do not have the full story.
Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
In an emergency, red tape & regulation goes out the window until the people who are supposed to help show up & function.
It would seem the ones whose job it is are a no show.
So let’s let them die because some dickheads with a little authority have either got a power rush going on or are corrupt as fuck.
Gonna be a sad pathetic chapter in the history books.