SHOCKING VIDEO: Paper Ballots Being Bulk-Ordered Online, or Self-Printed at Unlimited Numbers. Zero chain of custody.
How do you buy a ballot?
You go to the shops that have the ballots, and buy them straight-up: blank certified ballot stock. You can even order online and they'll ship to your house.
How do you get the information that's on the ballot?
In many areas you can look up what the ballot would look like. Or you can request an absentee ballot for your region and just copy that.
Could I print a thousand ballots?
We were able to, the first time, purchase 10,000 ballots.
Clip features former MN town mayor Rick Weible, and is from the new documentary
Vindicating Trump
“We told our investigators ‘Don’t just tell us you can make ballots, go make ballots. Prove to us these can be cast without being detected.’ And they did. It’s mind-blowing, to be honest”
Is this happening in your state and county?