It seems clear that it is Trump’s uncouthness and vulgarity that people truly despise. It’s his lack of cool, his roughness, his white-trash tendencies. British snobbery against a man who is seen as the personification of the coarseness and crassness of dumb America.
This is why Trump-bashers obsess over his ‘pussy’ comments why they are so outraged by his Twitterfeed and its unrefined language. This is why they have a field day every time he garbles his sentences or mispronounces a word or when it is revealed that he watches TV at night while eating a cheeseburger — because what they really loathe about Trump is how low-class he is, how uncultured he is, how boorish he is.
Trump-bashing isn’t a political stance — it’s a snooty mocking of white-trash America. To Brits who fancy themselves as cultured and sophisticated, Trump has become the ultimate white-trash symbol: an ill-speaking, junk-food-eating, language-coarsening dimwit of a man

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