OMG he just said the interest on credit cards was against the law!
DJT: “It’s a usury loan, that’s against the law”
Nesara Gesara here we come!
🎥🦅🇺🇸🪖 9-21-24 President/CiC Trump, Wilmington, NC
We will lead the world in Space.
Remember I did Space Force? I rebuilt the Military.
But we have Space Force.
First time in 79 years since Air Force.
First time, think of it, Space Force,
& now we’re leading in Space over Russia & China.
They were killing us when I took over
& now we’re leading.
And it’s my plan, I’ll talk to Elon,
🚀 Elon get those Rocket Ships going because
we want to do it.
And we want to have also
cuz that’s where it’s going to be at 💪🚀🇺🇸🪖
[Air Force created Sept 18, 1947]
[USSF established Dec 20, 2019]
#BeautifulBraveNewWorld 🚀
We share very few sentiments with our government.
"DJT: “It’s a usury loan, that’s against the law”
And THAT is why they hate him.
Info thank you Love all of you that are standing up for our country and taking it back. Bless U Save the children. The best is yet to come
Believe me my credit card debt so horrible! So that is music to my ears. I went back and re-watched that part of the speech. He said they were going to put a temporary cap on credit card debt at 10%. It’s crazy. Some of them are 25 and 30% it’s Usury it’s against the law …..he did not say our debt was going to be forgiven. I just don’t want us to get our hopes up too high.
Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it
I'd like to see mars one day
And the rest of the lands outside the cage.
Fun times.
I love to travel
😻 Yes, Karl.
Out of the cage into INFINITY 🌟🌟🌟
According to Gene Decode
we've already been to Mars 🚀
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
They went to Mars in 1903 & 1947 with Tesla’s anti-gravitics.
They used it in a TR-3B.
The free energy device that powers that
is the size of a shoe-box, zero point energy
or it uses the Casimir effect.
Imagine the beauty of this world
if we had allowed people like Tesla to give us his technology.
I want to get these technologies & healing to people 🙏💞🕊️