RODS OF GOD the deep tunnels. NEVER fkn think a newer looking one has nothing under it. AND SEP VENT SYSTEMS> RODS OF GOD THEM FKRS> like a triple told me, or they will just dig back out, and we ain't doing this shit twice.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
AMEN FUNNY thing is, knew a lot but not about the Rods OF God. I was like LORD SURELY there is a weapon that can be used against them, esp when I found out they burrow in under cities etc. ALL that.
One of my informants said she sat around decaying bodies in the tunnels, mentioned also Ga tunnels, and said she would "play as he worked" did not specify what kinda work he was doing but we know it was ghoulish. AND rigged bodies etc were mentioned. The "dad".....that is....