Hmm... I wonder why this guy blocked me? Perhaps it is because I called him out for posting bull$hit in the middle of some hard truths. He was "fooked" and then "unfooked." Maybe I'm not the only one seeing his B$? With all the truth - and real photos - out there, why post made up $hit? Be careful who you follow.
Something never felt right. Found Q through Joe M. in 2017. Read every Q post. Trusting the plan and living on faith that God wins.
@administrator - I could use a little help here. A$$hat@XAnon has blocked me for calling out some (not al) of his posts as fake. OK, fine. However, I now get the above message whenever he posts - and he is a prolific poster. I tried to unfollow him and I can not even see his account to do so. Not sure where to go from here. Help, please.