September 18, 2024
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Universal Upgrade downloading... full services will resume shortly. 321... LOVE
NAH... I really think that demographic are already awake...
Most of the sleepers are actually the ones doing the groud level socialpathic crap...
They arent going to be waking up to how much they were betrayed, but how much they betrayed others...
You over estimate those so dead inside they cannot already see... it takes being well and truely shut down not to have a conscience so as to have already seen...
The betrayers are the ones still sleeping... they are waking to their own complicity and shame...
Time to sift-in Revelations. Seeing ears, hearing eyes.
Government officials even family in the government betrayal and pain that's to be expected.. but what especially hurts is when your own husband does it or your mother or your father or your best friend that's really the worst..
But I got some good news and I can prove it..
You live through it and you'll make it to the other side, I'm living proof.
Universal Upgrade downloading... full services will resume shortly. 321... LOVE
I know what you are saying...