πYHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! PRESIDENT TRUMP!ππππΊπΈπΆππΌ ββπΉπ€Ίπ€Ίπ€Ί Revis' 20th Anniversary Lp: revissounds.com
Trump talking about Hannibal
wanting to have you for dinner is a double entendre.
Have you over to his dinner party OR have you for dinner meaning Hannibal the cannibal will eat you for dinner...Trump's soft exposure on the cannibalism a'chrome shit.
Haitian cannibalism voodoo shit is a normal daily activity AND it has been for a VERY long time.
The cats and dogs of Springfield is another soft exposure to what will be Exposed Next.
Our Minds ARE Prepared.
Thank You Father God. Thank You Jesus. We Walk WITH Christ, Father God's Wall Of Protection With The Mind Of Christ.
Pray For The Sleeping Souls
AND Their Minds.
25-30% won't receive. Father God knows. That's Why WE ARE In THIS Flesh Realm...Choice, Freewill.
Chaff Separating Itself From The Wheat By Their Own Hand.
Thank You Father God! πππ
Thank You Jesus! πππ
Solar Eclipse
Equinox Pledge Sacrifice?
Father God
Has Their Frickin' Number!
I've Never Looked Up Stats
About Abortion Sacrifices
Correlating To A Particular Evil Sacrifice Day. Wonder IF Abortion Increases ON
Evil Sacrificial Days?
It Would Make Sense The Evildoers WOULD Schedule ALL Their Murderous Appointments ON THAT
Evil Sacrifice Day.