9 amazing hacks to minimize food wastage and keep your food + veggies fresher for longer
1. Freeze extra tomato puree in ice cube trays + it lasts for months
2. Store an apple with your potatoes to prevent spouting (only do this if you’ll be using your potatoes within the week!)
3. Store tomatoes upside down to keep them crisp for longer
4. Place paper towel on greens to keep them fresher for longer
5. Place a marshmallow in your brown sugar to avoid it going hard
6. Store nut butter upside down to prevent separation
7. Place celery in water to keep it crispy for longer
8. Store lemon with avocado to prevent browning
9. Store herbs in a bouquet with water to prevent wilting
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For cubes, I use the old fashioned metal trays (they don't stick as bad and release easier). I'm only cooking for one, most of the time, so I'll make a batch of gravy, freeze it in cubes, then zip bag them. Later, make some mac, or taters, and thaw a couple gravy cubes for it. Do the same with juices, and lots of other stuff. No waste, but the best part is not having the same meal till it's all gone lol.
Wife, Mother, Gigi, Freedom-lover, Nature girl. I hear God best in the garden. And now I see Codes everywhere....
Store small food leftover bits (from the serving bowls, not people's plates) in a freezer bin, and add to soup.