The issue we have at hand with social media and Waking the masses is, just like high school we create clicks. Those clicks surround themselves with like minded followers and stop there. Big name accounts forget why they are here. It becomes about popularity instead of truth telling. They forget they are NOT Q, they forget what they are suppose to do. We have the crumbs...Q did that already, your jobs are to spread the information, not make it yours and lead people in whatever direction you want. Ignoring comments from followers who need your help is disgusting and your part of the problem.

This movement is bigger than politics, the politics was just the way to make you see. The Awakening is a spritual one, it is humanity remembering where we came from, what we are here for, and really at the end of the day, finding yourself again. You find yourself again, the Awakening is automatic. Never forget, God created you in his image...thats bigger than you know. He also created us all to be very different. Trust who you are, listen to the guy on your has always been there, and it is always listening.