Army Nurse Vet.. Tweeter doesn't like me telling truth to power. JFK Jr is alive.
Being from the farthest north I can tell you Alaska weather is way warmer then down South. Has the earth shift or is there weather manipulation? This time of year temps are usually -30° to -70°, right now we are at 40°. One thing, we can survive on wood stores with oil being over $3.50 a gal.. 100 gal would only last 2-3 weeks, so we make due. That's why Obammer tried to stop us from burning wood, green house gasses you no. I can tell you Patriots here didn't listen to Obammer.
Conservative, focused on faith and family. Proud momma and Trump is my president! TRUTH: @blubeemergrl
Dear Southern friends, sorry our weather broke through the electric fence again, damn battery must've died....
I'm loving this cold weather!! Bring on the snow, kill the fireants!!!