You can’t bring out the dark without Turning on the light. It’s about the children it’s always about the children The future is bright 🫶
Starting from the historical date of AD 48 for the Virgin Mary's death, precise dates are proposed for both Mary's birth and death. It is then shown that her proposed dates tie to sacred events in the life of Jesus, including all of the Biblical key events of his youth with her. Moreover, her two dates are identical to the already published birth and/or death dates of Rebekah, Rachel, Leah and Miriam on five different sacred calendars in thirteen different ways. Then it is shown that Mary's dates link to the Fall of Adam and Eve in five different ways. Finally it is reviewed how there are two constellations which seem to symbolize Mary, attesting to her key role in history. It is concluded that such is a testimony that she may well be the most important woman in all of history, being the mother of the Son of God.