🛡⚔️TRUMP | KAG | [Z] Citizen Journalist | 1Q49 God Crew | FightBack **🥊** 🇺🇲🦅 [https://www.navair.navy.mil/foia/documents?page=0]
I always thought that that guy was kind of a dick to Juan, rude for no reason. But Juan kept his cool and didn't say anything negative. I would have told him to get lost.
anyone who interviews Juan is on his team. One of the same. All a shit show. They made a lot of money doing what they did.
I take it that you don't like Juan?
Yeah, I don't like Grifters. I was on board too. Until I realized he is in this for the money and not for Us or Trump.
I've never spent any money on him. And I know that he doesn't charge for interviews or appearances. He has written a couple of books.
Ah, wrong.
He charges for his talks.
He is racking in millions.
Ask him to disclose the amount of money he makes doing what he does.
Let's see how transparent he is.
I tell you something.
A few years ago his assistant (supposedly)
messaged me, when I was on twitter, and asked me to spy on other patriots.
I told this person, No.
Not long after that I was knocked off of Twitter, permanently.
Tell me that isn't a coincidence.
I heard him the other day say that he doesn't charge for his appearances.
But do you agree with anything that Juan is saying? Do you think Q is/was 'real'? Just curious- I know you don't like Juan.
He is Wayne Willot and an insurance fraud investigator. If I remember correctly.