#2057 Sept 02
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
🇺🇸🪖 Ezra Cohen-Watnick 11-20
“Today the Dept. of Defense
has started the process of formalizing..
the fundamental role of U. S. Special Operations
in Defense & Foreign Policy
by elevating Special Ops forces to a level on par
with Military Depts..
We follow the vision of President John F. Kennedy..
He foresaw “Another type of war
new in its intensity
ancient in its origin
that would require a whole new kind of strategy
a wholly different kind of force.
Forces which are too unconventional
to be called conventional forces..”
President Kennedy gave these remarks..
when the Pentagon was primarily organized
to plan & direct large conventional operations
against Super Powers
not Special Ops short of overt declared conflict..
Now, under the leadership of President Trump..
we will ensure Sp. Ops. Forces as a civilian advocate..
I am honored to serve as your Service Secretary.”
🚀 Ezra is head of USSF
👇 2:17