💔 Ariel posts a long list of those who've “lost” their first born.
🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
Not far from where Jesus once walked
the KAZARIAN Mafia, cabal, dark Families
began the practice of ADRENOCHROME
& their satanic rituals to the god moloch
god of child sacrifice, satanism ☠️
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
Nixon knew LBJ was part of the club
which included J Edgar Hoover & others
who took out a President in a coup
to control the future of America..
They don’t get to be promoted to these higher levels
unless they’ve made their bones..
That’s their theme. IT’S THE MOB WAY.
You don’t make your bones
you don’t get to be initiated & be part of the club.
☠️ In most cases 1 kill isn’t enough. It takes 2 ☠️

Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
I’m not sure this list proves anything other than showing them as real people with real problems.
a couple of things ,sylvester stallone's first child was not sage it was sergio and he is still alive.and mike tyson's 4 year old daughter was not his first child either