1967 shocking revelations of Hollywood writer Myron C Fagin. Fagin unearthed entertainment's dark secrets-that world major events have been orchestrated by an elusive, powerful group. The Illuminati has purportedly been manipulating global affairs since its 1700s inception. Fagin: this clandestine org has been intricately involved in shaping history thru a series of carefully planned events and covert ops.
The Illuminati, founder Adam Weishaupt, 1700s, infiltrated various institutions to further its agenda and evolved into the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR in the US after WW I and maintained its influence under different guises. The CFR was designed to mask their ongoing manipulations and to control media narratives. By acquiring control over mass communications and press, Fagin argues that CFR, or the modern Illuminati, has ensured that the public remains misled and uninformed about the truth re global conspiracies
Thanks Every Time. I think everyone ought to watch this.