🇷🇺 Pavel Durov, CEO/Founder of TELEGRAM
was arrested in Paris two days ago
& has now been charged on 12 criminal counts in a French court.
As of July 2024, TELEGRAM has more than 950 MILLION
active monthly users worldwide.
Speculation is Pavel was arrested because he REFUSED to grant
back doors into TELEGRAM to U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
Was this an old-fashioned CIA-deep state-sting operation
as Ghost Ezra suggests, to bring Pavel Durov down
because refused to censor FREE SPEECH?
🇺🇸🪖 8-25-24 @ GhostEzra TELEGRAM
“During his travels.. Pavel Durov was joined by 24-year-old
crypto coach & streamer, Yulia Vavilova, who resides in Dubai.
Leading up to August 24, Vavilova was actively
sharing photos on social media from Durov's private jet
& the various locations..
Speculation is growing that she might have been a spy
involved in Durov's downfall..
She was constantly posting photos & geolocations online,
documenting Durov’s every move” 💥

God, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #familyiseverything
No doubt a honey trap! You would think he would be smarter than that!

😹 At the risk of sounding sexist
it IS the oldest trick in the book
& women have known that since forever‼️💥👙😉