There I go again being way ahead of the curve. 😅 I'm actually okay getting back out now. But I also know me just doing my own damn thing for these past years planted a seed of courage with a lot of young folks we worked with. They are starting to circle around again so it's time to be seen again.
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
same here, been shuttered for the past 4 years essentially going to the store and back only, no visits from others. no going outside (i wanted the sun tho) and not exposing myself to my awakening of myself as i spoke a different speak.. i was from outer space not them>> two different time lines.. still occuring. i am out more as i can see this easily but trying to be more compassionate with them all. gonna be a hard climb for those still so deep in sleep.
Absolutely. Nice to see another. I'm in a super sleepy area. I noticed something yesterday though. I have a mega introverted neighbor. Nice, interesting sort but makes my homebody self look like an extrovert. He actually smiled at me. For a brief second in time, I felt the unity that's coming. I cannot wait. I've been joking for years he and I will be friends. Last year I tried to deliver him bread I made. He wouldn't answer the door. 😅