🦅🇺🇸🪖 8-22-24 President/CiC Trump on RFK, Jr.
I’ve known him a long time.
Very smart guy & a very good person.
If he endorsed me I would be honored by it.
He really has his heart in the right place.
He is a respected person..
I thought the Democrats treated him very badly..
What they did to HIM was what they did to Biden.
They really were harsh & threw him out..
I think he would have overthrown Biden 💥
🇺🇸 RFK, JR
The MIL & INTEL came to my uncle & told him
‘We’ve got to invade Cuba.’
He was like, ‘I’m not going to Cuba’..
He realized they’d been lying to him & trying to trick him
& he said ‘I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces
& scatter it into the winds.’
[JFK was assassinated]…
A week before he was killed,
my father said the first thing he was going to do
was remove the clandestine services from the CIA
[RFK was assassinated] 🙏
😻 RFK JR addresses the nation tomorrow
I see Trump appointing RFK CIA Dir 💪 Payback for JFK & RFK 🇺🇸

Yes, CIA director and also, according to Ezra, RFK Jr's role will also be to lead to the "public" arrest of Dr Death Fauci!

😻 RFK, JR. is going to be so GREAT
such an amazing asset in many areas.
DEFINITELY going after Fauci 💪
Whatever his past, bless him
& onwards into the LIGHT 🔆🇺🇸🌟