The common element of all these perpetrators is psychopathy, the inherent belief that your own experience is the only thing that matters — everyone else is just part of a sort of video game for your pleasure. But there is an even darker motivation — eugenics.
Jeffrey Epstein had a ranch in New Mexico where he raped and trafficked women and girls. He chose a location near one of two locations which treats Catholic “pedophile priests” and the sealed writings of L. Ron Hubbard.
But the real purpose of Jeffrey Epstein’s ranch was to “seed the human race with his DNA.” This is the central conceit of the insurgency, that their “DNA” is somehow superior to everyone else, and that it is being “lost” to immigration and degeneracy.
Jeffrey Epstein Hoped to Seed Human Race With His DNA - The New York Times
Mr. Epstein, the accused sex trafficker, was fascinated by eugenics. He told scientists and others of his vision of using his New Mexico ranch to impregnate women. LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
The Nazis showing their part of the agenda...
attacks on health and
enacting their genetics ideals
Wonder who Epsteins parents/grand parents were, we don't hear about HIS family.
Just tried to find out, what I came up with was this:
His family is from Poland originally, and what I discovered about them years ago is that
it`s peoples are from the earliest known jews that fled from Egypt and are the fore bears and fore fathers of most of the most prominent jewish families in the world today. Hitler tried to invade and failed and Russia has also tried and failed.
Epstein had VERY close ties with both the CIA and Israel.
I doubt very much he`s dead.
As you figure, there was More going on than rape, rituals and such.
Eugenics, cloning and whatever like Epstein island with all those layers of underground levels