😻 It would be Poetic Justice if President/CiC Trump
appointed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dir. of the CIA.
His Father RFK & his Uncle JFK would be dancing in Heaven 💥
🇺🇸 8-20-24 Q The Storm Rider
Why do you think TRUMP hates the CIA?
And tries and is exposing them
Why do you think RFK hates the CIA?
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
We’re going to find out
💥FBI—created by EO
💥CIA—created by EO
You’ve got a whole bunch of stuff going on
President Truman signed the Nat Sec Act, Sept 1947 → CIA
President Reagan signed EO 12333, Dec 1981
directing leaders of U.S. Fed agencies to cooperate fully w/CIA
EO 12333 titled U.S. INTEL Activities.
President GW Bush signed EO 13470, Aug 2004
of the Dir of Nat INTEL
President Roosevelt created the FBI, 1908
AG Bonaparte, grandson of Napoleon’s brother,
developed the agency within the DoJ 💥
For those who don't know,
"Bureau" is French for "office".
Love our French Brothers,
but that sure ain't American.
Think "Les Misérables" and Inspector Javert...
Napoleon Bonaparte was a Secret Handshaker, too.

🙏😻 You're ALWAYS 💯 ol_cowboy
& I always run out of room in my posts 😹
Napoleon Bonaparte's grandson & that family
were 💯 bloodlines.
So the FBI from its inception was bloodline 🤬
But they ALL WERE
because as John McAfee said,
ALL presidents after JFK, were CIA,
except Reagan & Trump.
If you don't believe John McAfee,
just look at which 3-presidents were shot —
JFK, Reagan & Trump 🙏💔
As well as our non-CIA AG, RFK 😔🇺🇸

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Kat, you're always on 🎯, and I mean splittin' bullseye arrows 🎯 on target.
BTW - I got a theory about what might have been behind the FBI's founding... (remembering: many good Agents in the FBI, too.
I'm talkin' 'bout the Bonaparte family and links to French aristocracy.)
Remember Marie Antoinette who said, "Let them eat cake!" and then lost her head along with Louis XVI? (She wasn't even French - but a Hapsburg from Austria.)
Daniel Payseur reportedly son of Marie Antoinette & therefore Crown Prince of France came to America and went on to own(ed) just about everything in America... and I bet my Silver Dollar they also were big owners of "USA INC." of 1871, too.
So wouldn't it make sense that a descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte's family would come here and set up an Intelligence Agency to protect the interests of the 1871 "corporation", especially if it had a French Royal part-owner?
Just a theory.
Bet we're gonna find out.

Reagans son was a balleriner, he was false op. YES to JFK and TRUMP>