(They) set up planned parenthood abortions on wheels outside the DNC. Make it stop! 🤬
Everything they do, is centered around death.
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
Yeah, it really feels that way. 😕
#Patriot 🦅 The Great Awakening 🦅 We The People 🦅 Follow me on gab.com/One_Eagle1
That's insane, food truck sitting right next to them, free hotdog with every abortion.
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
It’s abhorrent! 😢😠
Margaret Sanger was a demon tranny lizzerd, and they consider each death a luciferian sacrifice. DEMONS> WHICH is why they gotta be 86d at the GITMO>