🪖 @ EzraCohenEC
Mark Zuckerberg, an outspoken critic of
"man-made climate change"
shows off his new $300 million, 287-foot mega yacht,
powered by four gigantic diesel engines.
Yet another stark reminder that Net Zero is only for the peasants..
3-7-19 🇺🇸 Joe M @ StormIsUponUs
Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller.
He was hand-reared by the Deep State
to play the role as CEO of [DARPA’s] $FB
simply to occupy a seat of power
while globalist kingpins harvested & nefariously stored
our most intimate private details for over a decade.
🇦🇺 Julian Assange
#FB is the most appalling spying machine
that has ever been invented 💥
🦅🇺🇸🪖 President/CiC Trump, Bedminster 8-15-24
We are gonna terminate the GREEN NEW SCAM
Why aren’t we creating great energy plants
instead of all these windmills all over the place 💪
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
We’re using solar energy, windmills, all this ridiculous stuff
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Big Hat Tip to Juan O'Savin for explaining how the American People paid for FakeBook, a rogue, foreign intelligence SPY PROGRAM where Folks were tricked into voluntarily posting their private information on a Spy Website; personal data, life preferences, politics, personal contacts, etc. PURE EVIL.
When an Anon found that, it rocked the Q Research Board.
We flipped the script on their dumb asses. lol
they won't have a damn thing to Secret Handshake about.
Shit yeah and when they find out all the evil they do everywhere, might not be shaking hands at all, might be dangling at GITMO>