Here for the patriots. Trump is my president. #WWG1WGA NCSWIC Enjoying the movie

Go pound sand Tedros

With you crazy anons since the movement began. The original Hippy Chic has returned. Love you all~

Source of this information?

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Godismysavior777 in this post can reply

With you crazy anons since the movement began. The original Hippy Chic has returned. Love you all~

I realize that, but what about Tedros saying we're going into a global lockdown?

Not buying it for a second.

Here for the patriots. Trump is my president. #WWG1WGA NCSWIC Enjoying the movie

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

Some republican governors have already signed bills preventing them to closing their states, so it could all be possible

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