Damage, Many Various Diseases
Posted By: Namaste
Date: Tuesday, 6-Aug-2024 12:41:43
Scientists Drop Bombshell: Ivermectin Cures Cancer, Parkinson’s, Vax Damage, Many Various Diseases
Hence why they attacked Trump for suggesting it for COVID, the parasites know!!
Ivermectin is continuing to stun the scientific community as the “wonder drug” is being used to treat a growing list of various ailments in humans.
"During the pandemic, the corporate media and bureaucratic health officials attempted to smear ivermectin as a “horse dewormer” after it was found to be successful in treating Covid patients.
Despite the reports of cheap and readily available ivermectin being successfully used to treat patients, it posed a threat to the pharmaceutical industry’s Covid mRNA shots and the profits from pushing the injections onto the p
Scientists Drop Bombshell: Ivermectin Cures Cancer, Parkinson's, Vax Damage, Many Various Diseases - Slay News
Ivermectin is continuing to stun the scientific community as the "wonder drug" is being used to treat a growing list of various ailments in humans.
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