Sauce with numbers please?
I make it minus 3%
Not uncommon
linux> units -t " -1.84 percent * 46.63 trillion" "28.269 trillion"
My general purpose here is to provide tools to check we don't spout fluff.
Here's the text of what you memed:
find ../Pictures/Screenshots/ -type f -cmin -40 | feh --auto-rotate -f - -q -d -F -D 5 --on-last-slide quit
tesseract "../Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot from 2024-08-04 17-39-47.png" foo
cat foo.txt
Anyone else finding it odd that the media isn't really
addressing that approximately 10% of the annual GDP
of the United States evaporated from the stock market
in a single days trading on Friday?!?! S3TRILLION poof
Simplified even further:
units -t -o "%5.2f" " -1.84 percent * 46.63 / 28.269" percent