Discernment is critical.
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
This is what is missing from people today.
Kindness 😍
This world has
Angry people, and they don't know why, because they won't listen.
Kindness is easiest on the heart, and soul.
Love and Kindness
I'll have double shot, please. 😊
Discernment is critical.
me too!
animals provide a great deal of this too!
Only followers of this user (@Maudiemaye) can see their posts
LOL - me too!
Only followers of this user (@Maudiemaye) can see their posts
Discernment is critical.
Lucky you. cats, dogs, birds, horses and even fish, have been quality friends.
Saw a clip where someone posted they had been sick / in bed all day and their cat brought them their cat food (pellets) and placed them on the bed to help their human. So sweet.