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He loves enough to tell the truth. That is also kind.
The difference between "nice" and "kind" is that kind will not lie to you. Nice will reliably lie to you to save feelings or save face. Kind is courageous. Kind doesn't seek to hurt feelings, yet has the courage to do so to deliver the truth.
The Bible says "Be kind" it doesn't say "be nice" even once.
Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA
Amen! "The truth shall set you free", not matter if it hurts. Well, said, "Nice" doesn't work, kindness, yes. I heard a saying that stuck, "IT IS NOT WHAT YOU SAY THAT MATTERS, BUT HOW YOU SAY IT". Jesus said, "I Speak The Truth"!