🇺🇸 @ CaptKylePatriots
Gene went live earlier & I was able to grab this clip
🇺🇸📸 Gene Ho
Q: “Sir, what chess moves are left for the black hats?”
He replied, shaking his head.
“Why do you think I’m like dishing out everything?
🇺🇸 @ QTSR2
😻 Make sure you have EXTRA for 10-days NOW
FILL UP vehicles
FOOD for family, pets, friends, Soldiers
MEDICATIONS, CASH in small bills & coins
FLASHLIGHTS, batteries, matches, candles, blankets…
I do not believe we will lose power or water but I do not know.
I bless our brave Soldiers unceasingly 🙏🇺🇸🪖#WRWY
Had enough black swan bs in my life....sitting this out with the provision of God.
😻 Very sensible, but still good to have extra on hand.
However, as a Southern Woman, you already do! 😹
Jars & jars in the store room so you, your family
& friends won't starve if you can't
grocery shopping for a week or 2 💪🇺🇸😉
Got at least seventy still put up even after using and sharing some of it. Next weekend, back to canning and stuff. Got plenty of ideas. We even can meat, cause we ain't playing around. lol
🍎 THAT'S my Southern Soldier 💪🫙🫙🫙🫙🍯
I wanna wear my grab your balls its canning season to bainbridge for lunch and shopping with mama. BUT I don't wanna shock her that much. lol She is old South. I got plenty of other punny ones. lol
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Just regular Balls. lololololol