Is it good news or bad news that we won't have to vote in future elections?
I love you Christians', I'm NOT Christian, come on and vote... - DJT Jesuit Jew Zionist freemason [Mass murderer] [Actor] Traitor [#NLP] [[#HIGHTREASON]
NOTE: at the 17 or 18 second mark he said "I'm not Christian"!!! 😡 BELIEVE HIM.....
Voting is as real as fortunes in cookies.
Oh you beautiful Christians take that beautiful vaccine -DJT 🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
I mean isn’t that how you know he’s not on [y]our side? That isn't the/a question anymore! We know this Creature is NOT our side! He never was!#Satanwaorshipper
Remember: Voting is simply a mechanism to steal your consent!! [do NOT consent!!] Once they have that, they can do anything they like without permission or consideration!!!
As has been demonstrated many Many times!!!
More I/T Comments
The Illusion of FREE CHOICE!
You see how he slipped that in?
he says Christians 3 times and then the fourth time says "I`m not a Christian"
We know he`s a Jesuit/Zionist,cabal piece of scum, but clever never-the -less how "they" got him to slip that in.(they being his masters).
That was quite deliberate, now no one can say that he didn`t tell them when he leads them all to the slaughter.
Just like he as good as told them about the snake.
People are SOOOOOOO dumb
heehaw heehaw
I was 'dumb' to that truth for years
slowly the Lord must've open up my 'reasoning' b/c now I don't like listening or hearing him :)
Thanks for ur comment
Use to be I didn't like the books "___ For Dummies" but they're Right!
Believing Liars make people 'dummies'!
and use MKUltra tech to manipulate emotions makes them worse = obedience slave dummies :) who protect their masters! unknowingly
Oh, you are not alone. I too was dumb for years, but i`ve always asked questions.
I do believe i was born asking questions and needing answers.
My entire birth chart is testament to that.
As for Trump, I always knew not to under estimate him, but recently? I believe ((THEY`)) have set him up just as they have set up everyone else.
Why? because then folk are going to see just what a lying scumbag he really is and that in turn is going to lead to millions of Trumpers wanting some kind of retribution.
I mean , something has go to give.
This idiocracy cannot continue, it`s getting way past being funny or a joke.
People are dying and I reckon a lot more are gonna be killed.
The storm hasn`t even broken yet, when it does . . . . . we`ll be the first to know, cos we`re ready and waiting for it, as for everyone else, . . . . . . . ????
> I have to rem to delete the pic part when posting a utube vid that AU doesn't like - b/c it rejected my post I'd typed and sent!
Thanks for you comment. <
Being under a 'spell' of the enemy makes us dumb to what they're up too, but sometimes they like to mock us by showing us what they're doing or have planned - and get more 'joy' when we don't know 'what to do' 🤔
God tell us 🛐 commit to HIM, receive and have His Help! 🤗 📖 🥰 🎉
I wanted to share this vid host w/ u,
u might like to skim some of his vids,
this one is about Trump not being a Christian and being a mason (similar to what u state).
Thanks, i`ll take a look.
As for that man upstairs? I talk to him non stop.
talk about "Converstions with God", i`ve been having them since my early twenties when I had no one else to listen to me and talk to me.
You`re not going to believe this but I have always driven a lot and so had Tinkerbelle in my car as she could make your dreams come true, i had Peter Pan because he could take you anywhere you wanted to go, I had Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder as he was my conscience figure, then i had the High priestess from the tarot deck as my wise woman
and then I had a wise man who was tall, bearded, dressed in long white robes who i called Henry.
They have been my go to people whenever i needed to talk things through.
Slightly mad i know, (my kids think I`m totally mad!!!) but hey, non of us is perfect.
Anyway, they have always looked after me, so i`m not complaining.
😊 Well at least u have Frens and they mean 'no harm', just look after ur welfare :)
In town here I'd like some people to step up and help to keep someone from 'meaning me harm' (stealing air space w/ barking dogs).
Maybe one of ur frens could help, my angels must be busy :-/
btw as a kid I remember Tinkerbell flying over the castle doing that half ark, but in this world (reality) she doesn't do that. Do you rem that? :)
Some say it symbolizes the Firmament GOD put in place.
Had a chat, sent the message, we`ll just have to wait and see now, bloody barking dogs are a real pain.
Blimey i haven`t seen Peter Pan since i was a kid, so no, I do`nt remember that at all.
Something i have just remembered now, which is weird considering the connection, my late Mother-in law (Who died before I met and married her son) was an Anderson from Scotland and one of her great friends growing up was J M Barrie, writer of Peter Pan. In fact she named her second son, my brother -in -law after him. He was Duncan Barrie-------.
Funny that.
Thanks :) barking dogs are reflection of the owner. This guy is 'mentally lacking' dumb, but has a disregard of others, and his attitude makes the dogs 'dumb & Neurotic'. He could be a 'nice, helpful neighbor' but his demons won't let him = rather than make him act like a Bully & 4 yr old just wanting his way. He was put across the street 4 or 5 yrs ago invading my peace / space. I'm looking to move and they don't help rather hinder 'sanity of mind' decision making.
What I found is the Law is little help. Gone are those w/ Understanding & Keeping the Peace. They work for the globalist (luciferians) cabal so they just protect and serve them basically - a few are Real :)
Interesting about the Peter Pan writer, esp when there's many stories talking about 'orphans' after that last Reset. They were said to be connect to incubator babies who had no parents: see#OrphanTrains https://t.me/s/Tartaricos?q=orphan+trains
vid referred AU https://anonup.com/search/posts?q=orphantrains