You have to have a thick shell, good discernment, and a very good understanding of the drops to watch this impeachment. I accidentially had it on during a power nap earlier and woke up raging pissed. It was like poision to the subconsciounsess.

I only peek in at some of the video posted here and on Telegram, its a sham. No matter how much truth comes out they are still going to impeach him. The Dems are dirty as hell and know they have a one way ticket there if Trump remains in power. This shit makes my blood boil so I try not to watch too much.
It's ok, it's all part of the great awakening. Calm down patriot, we are only watching a movie ❤️
Get some popcorn and enjoy it! Trump is STILL our President. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸