@ theyorkshirelassnews
After last night’s satanic 33rd Olympic ceremony
of worshiping a golden calf,
a pale horse riding through Paris
God being mocked
Children in tunnels
headless actors dressed in red with fire
Snoop dog wearing a Baphomet necklace …
Elon Musk posted on X
‘This was extremely disrespectful to Christians’..
It made people.. see for themselves how evil & satanic
the woke west actually is.
Put on the full armor OF GOD,
so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
@ RebelWithACause
Vast amounts of people, religions & companies
are condemning#olympics & the backlash is gaining momentum.
"Shocked" C Spire pulled its advertising ..
The Olympics committee pulled its official video from YouTube..
Elon Musk 'unfollowed' the Olympics on X ..
Russia says “thank god we are not a part of this disgrace”
😻 Several Parisian Arrondissements have had blackouts today
EXCEPT Le Sacré-Cœur Cathedral in Montmartre 🙏
It is becoming more and more obvious that we are in a spiritual battle. Pray up friends!