Whistleblower General Flynn exposed the Gulen Terrorist Network:

• Flynn discovered that the Obama administration was creating funding and arming of Jihadist who later waved the flag of ISIS

• These jihadist actions were taking place in Gaza.

• Obama with the help of CIA, NATO and his jihadist cronies, were seeking to top Assad in Syria.

• These treasonous administrations created funding of ISIS a.o.

• The US/Jihadist morphed into thr Arab spring, destabilized the middle east and created the orchestrated migration crises.

• Hillary took part in the launching of the Arab spring as secretary of state under the Obama administration.

• Flynn blew the whistle on the involvement in the Gulen terrorist Network of the Oboma administration and by default of HW Bush, G Bush, Clinton, the state department, FBI, CIA and the DOG.

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