Here's what they've done already in the last few decades:
• all medical files are digital and accessible by the government
• all public school students are assigned an ID number
• all students' files are kept on computer just like the medical files
• students are now graded on behavior in addition to - and emphasized more - than academic performance
The government has direct access to your children through medical and school files
Nobody's talking about that. Nobody notices. Everybody says "we're winning".

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
I think this goes back to George Bush Jr....everything online....he used the excuse 911 terrorist attack (him & daddy & Dick Cheny did)

whoever actually did it, it's just all part of the NWO agenda that we're STILL marching towards.
They've put people online, now they are going to put the money online.
See what they're doing?
You, your med files, your behavioral history, and your access to monetary resources are ALL online together.
This information will be synthesized to control you.
THAT is the infrastructure for the mark of the beast.
NO "white hats" have stopped it!!
And that's the point isn't it, "No one has stopped them"
Which makes it seem they're 'part of it' just appearing 'not to be' 😵💫#gaslighting [consider the RNC stage symbols w/ △& signs from the $1 bill being used - multiple meanings] 🥱
OT but goes w/ this thinking: I read some time ago that Barrack had 'pardoned' a bunch of the guilty, so the Trump's grp had to 'allow them to commit new crimes' to be charged on.
In this nonsense world that 'makes sense', in a Reality beyond the stupidity it sounds like 'Fork Tongue' talk or 'Double Talk' = Lies.
(The Enemy doesn't use the word 'lie' much but they can use Name of Jesus Christ in vain, thinking if they say it enough they'll wear it out! ain't going to happen :)
I was trying to get some of my Dad's Hosp records going back to 1990s and the Hosp. said they didn't have them - old paper files 'gone' & digital scrubbed. Ur indicating that's not the case & I agree.
The#ENEMY has the info, they're just 'claiming it all as theirs own