I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
God Is With-In Us, AS Us!
"Human Beings are the Nerve-Endings of God-in-Matter." -Ken Carey
Love God with All of your HEART, MIND & SOUL; & in that Context, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself--because your "Neighbor" is also a Holo-Fractal Embodiment of Source, as are you!
After TWO THOUSAND Years, WHY is this so Difficult to Understand???

We says so much about who we are by what comes out of our mouth!
Never has been about the other person.
Sometimes I think about a Play...we choose ... no blaming. Surviving a mom who repeatedly tried to kill me as a child helps provide perspective.
We can be who we choose to be, be like who hurt you or not...CHOICE.
That ends the blame game. God choses the family you are born into...you can recreate those issues as an adult or transcend, overcome and forgive...love the one who hurt you.
FORGIVENESS is also about me...forgiving myself for not knowing how else to survive.
Those wounds are beneath every day conflicts...
If you don't ask God to heal those triggers then turn and go about life a different way...
That situation that caused wounding needs love...the perpetrator..needed love....
My mom didn't choose wisely..but in loving her
I could show her a different way.
LOVE is a choice.

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

I have spent much time pondering how Jesus returned love..and saw through language content to the truth..
Knowing what is meant through meanness not what is said is an art...my desire is to do this well.
NOT say it well but live it well.