Wife, Mother, Gigi, Freedom-lover, Nature girl. I hear God best in the garden. And now I see Codes everywhere....
Wiping out everyone's debts sounds wonderful. But people don't learn financial responsibility by having their debts removed, and we'd be in real danger of starting up the whole debt system all over again. Any gain would be for nothing. We need a painful crash before we can be free.
Yes and how to manage your money, that going to shopping malls, buying clothes, make up, cars, massive screened TV's is not what life is about, NOT. Just so sick of hearing that the better ness for everyone is coming have heard this for 4 years now, and to be honest it's irritating now saying it. As it actually feels like it will be never. I came from struggling roots and it feels like I going to die even though I've tried to change my circumstances, tbh I'm sick of hearing this now, it feels it won't happen in my life time.